November 27 2021 Launch Report

After being unable to launch because of the wind at my first club launch I decided to try launching my Astrocam at a local play lot when it was 42 F.  Foolish me.  I really wanted to try to capture a flight video before giving up launches until the spring.  I set up the rocket with a B6-4 engine, turned on the rocket's video, and started my cell phone video recording the launch.  The initial launch looked great (here in slow motion captured from my laptop)

and it flew several hundred feet.

Of course, Murphy's Law states that if anything can go wrong it will go wrong (or something like that).  The sickening pop and thud heard near the end of the video is my rocket attempting to eject the parachute, then falling to the parking lot, singing the parachute and busting off a fin when the parachute didn't deploy!  Of course, the Estes camera didn't record either.

I've repaired the Astrocam fin and am thinking about replacing the shroud lines with Kevlar thread.  After this failure I had a chance to purchase the Estes Universal Astrocam (for 50% off) so I can strap a camera on my Excalibur or any other rocket.  I'll try again in the spring!


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