October 11 1999 Launch Report

Sarah, her friend, Rilee, and I launched my Space Shuttle (it's maiden flight!) with a C6-3 engine (we let Rilee push the button so I could videotape while Sarah took the photo below). The rocket went to ~200 feet, then the Shuttle separated and glided to earth while the booster portion floated down on a parachute. I caught it all on videotape, and will try to convert for on-line viewing. A PERFECT FIRST FLIGHT!!!

Launched Sarah's rebuilt Fat Boy with a C6-3 engine. GREAT flight

Launched Fat Boy again with a C6-3. Skewed slightly to side, but great flight anyway (recovered!). Altitude estimated at ~330 feet by measuring the angle at apogee..

Launched Space Shuttle again with a C5-3 engine. Another perfect flight, with a long, straight glide down for the shuttle.

Both will fly again!


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