
Showing posts from February, 2022

First post during winter haitus

Long time no post.  Well, I live in the Chicago area, which currently has snow on the ground and more expected tonight.  I almost went to my club's "Polar Bear" launch in January but was concerned the air temperature (the high was 19 F) would prevent my rocket's parachutes from opening.  Estes recommends launching above 40 F when using their plastic parachutes. Rocket-wise, I've been busy updating my blog with pictures from my launches in 1999~2004.  The site I used to host on was shut down and all my pictures were pre-digital so I had to find the original prints and scan them to rebuild these memories.  They're linked at the top of my main page under " LARRY'S FLEET ".  I've also added flight pictures from our earlier and pictures and videos from my more recent launches under LAUNCH REPORTS on the main page. I've also done some minor repair work on some of my fleet.  First, the "escape tower" broke off my Mercury